What Happened to Joshua Guimond? (The LeSabre)


“I believe that if somebody did something to Joshua that had any connection to the campus whatsoever, we’re never gonna find him, ever. Not even a body. Ever. Because they’re too secretive.” Lisa Cheney (Joshua’s mother) from Unsolved Mysteries said.

What happened to Joshua Guimond?

On the night of November 9, 2002, a college junior at Saint John’s University went missing. Gone without a trace, this case has been without new information and has been a cold case for approximately 21 years, 22 years this upcoming November. Why has there been no new information released to the public? Why does no one want to talk about Joshua? There are a lot of questions that arise when the disappearance of Joshua Guimond is mentioned.

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The LeSabre
What happened to Joshua Guimond?
Kylee Williams
March 18, 2024

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