Wayzata parish celebrates 150th anniversary


Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Community in Wayzata will kick off a year-long celebration of its 150th anniversary with a 10:30 a.m. Mass Jan. 19. Abbott John Klassen of St. John’s Abbey in Collegeville, will preside at the Mass. A historical exhibit and reception with light appetizers will follow. The anniversary Mass will commemorate the parish’s Benedictine heritage and those who helped establish, develop and sustain it since 1864. The event is free and open to the public. Additional special events planned during the year include a historical cemetery tour, fall festival, golf tournament, parish mission and historical displays.

Source: Catholic Spirit

Priests from Saint John’s Abbey who have served in Wayzata include:

Rev. Stanley Roche (St. Bartholomew)
Rev. Emmanuel Kelsch (St. Bartholomew)
Rev. Gregory Soukup (St. Bartholomew)
Rev. Don Tauscher (St. Bartholomew)
Rev. Jonathan Licari (Holy Name)
Rev. Arnold Weber (Holy Name)

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Topics: Don Tauscher, John Klassen, Jonathan Licari

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