Statement from Saint John’s Abbey on Compliance with the U.S. Bishops


Monks “on restriction” have no pastoral or teaching responsibilities, nor do they have unsupervised social contact with students or other young persons. They are not allowed to work in the Preparatory School or University, to use most campus academic, athletic or social facilities, or to serve in parishes. They may not travel without permission.

Statement from Saint John’s Abbey on Compliance with the U.S. Bishops’ “Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People”

June 19, 2002 — The U.S. Bishops’ “Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People” requires that “for even a single act of sexual abuse of a minor – past, present or future – the offending priest or deacon will be permanently removed from ministry.” The monastic community of Saint John’s Abbey will comply with that requirement.

Priests of Saint John’s Abbey who have sexually abused any person, regardless of age, may not celebrate Mass publicly, administer the sacraments, or serve as spiritual directors. They will be assigned non-ministerial work in the monastery.

Although the Bishops’ Charter applies only to diocesan priests and deacons who have abused minors, Saint John’s applies restrictions to all monks, ordained and non-ordained, who have committed sexual abuse.

Monks “on restriction” have no pastoral or teaching responsibilities, nor do they have unsupervised social contact with students or other young persons. They are not allowed to work in the Preparatory School or University, to use most campus academic, athletic or social facilities, or to serve in parishes. They may not travel without permission.

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