SJU Notice re September Sexual Assault


An alleged sexual assault involving a CSB student and an SJU student was recently reported to Saint John’s Life Safety Services. The assault is alleged to have occurred in an on-campus SJU student residence sometime between 9/1/12 and 9/2/12. The College and University have implemented the Joint Complaint Procedure for Sexual Assault Violations Involving Students in response to this complaint. A report was also made to the Stearns County Sheriff’s Department and they are conducting their own separate investigation into this matter.

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We share this information with you to remind you that the risk of sexual assault is a reality both on our campuses and in the broader community. We offer the following information to remind everyone of precautions that can reduce your risk:

Listen to and respect others. Make sure you have consent prior to engaging in any kind of intimate activity. If you aren’t sure, don’t assume! Ask first and remember that “No” always means no.

Use alcohol legally and wisely. Pay attention to your own alcohol consumption and watch out for your friends as well. It is always risky to combine alcohol and sexual activity. A person who has been using alcohol or other drugs may be too impaired to give consent.

Know your own boundaries and limits. Don’t let others make decisions for you or pressure you to do things outside of the boundaries you have set. Strive to be clear in your verbal and non-verbal communication.

Stay together. Make sure that friends are not left behind at parties or walking home alone. Intervene if you see someone getting into a risky situation.

Report sexual assault when it happens. Students are encouraged to contact CSB Security or SJU Life Safety Services. We also encourage students to report to off-campus law enforcement such as the Saint Joseph Police or Stearns County Sheriff’s Department.

For more information about sexual assault, please consult any of the following resources: CSB/SJU Joint Sexual Assault Policy

CSB/SJU Joint Complaint Procedure for Sexual Assault Violations Involving Students

Central Minnesota Sexual Assault Center (320) 251-4357 or 800-237-5090

Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault (MCASA)

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National Sexual Violence Resource Center

The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) <>

Men Can Stop Rape

Men Stopping Violence

Male Survivor

Shawn Vierzba
Director of Life Safety Services Saint John’s University

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