St. Benedict’s Monastery Responds to Allegations


“It is clear from what he printed in the e-mail that the allegation is one of sexual misconduct with a minor. The Sister denies having any sexual contact with a minor.” – Sister Nancy Bauer, OSB

Related: Sister Anne Marie Biermaier Made Aware of Allegations
Related: Statement from Sister Biermaier’s Alleged Victim
Related: Email to Incoming Prioress and Others

[Webmaster’s Note: The links on this page have been added for your convenience and were not part of the monastery’s statement. To view the monastery’s original statement, click here.]

Sisters Respond to Allegations

The Sisters of the Order of Saint Benedict in St. Joseph, Minnesota, have received an allegation of sexual misconduct against one of our Sisters.

Mr. Patrick Marker, who operates the Web site “Behind the Pine Curtain,” contacted one of our Sisters on Monday, April 18, and said he was in possession of information that she had been involved in inappropriate behavior more than 30 years ago. To date, we have not received a full statement about the nature of the allegation, nor do we know the identity of the complainant.

On Friday, April 22, at 6:20 p.m., Mr. Marker sent an e-mail to a number of people that included quotes from what he says is a “statement” by an alleged complainant. It is clear from what he printed in the e-mail that the allegation is one of sexual misconduct with a minor. The Sister denies having any sexual contact with a minor.

According to Sister Nancy Bauer, prioress of the Sisters of the Order of Saint Benedict, the Sisters will respond to allegations that arrive directly from a complainant, a diocesan victims’ advocate or a licensed professional such as an attorney or a therapist.

“I cannot respond to complaints that come to me third hand,” said Sister Nancy. “I do not know the full nature of the complaint nor do I know the identity of the complainant. That makes it impossible for me to respond to the complainant. I will not respond to a complainant through Mr. Marker’s Web site.”

“At all times, we are concerned first and foremost with the care of the complainant and of the Sister who is accused” Sister Nancy added. “The Sisters of the Order of Saint Benedict will respond with compassion to anyone with a credible claim of having been harmed by a Sister.”

To read the full text of the Sisters’ sexual abuse policy and the steps related to it, go to

To speak with a monastery representative about this issue, please contact Sister Nancy Bauer at 320-363-7000.

Sisters Respond to Allegations
April 25, 2011

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Topics: Nancy Bauer, Pat Marker, St. Ben's, St. Benedict's

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