Rev. Mathias Faue Allegations


According to a 2013 document produced by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, Father Mathias Faue, O.S.B. [ More ] was accused of misconduct with children dating back to 1966. Mathias Faue was a monk at Saint John’s Abbey from 1945-1950.

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Father Mathias Faue and Father Francis Simon (also from St. Gregory’s) served in several California churches together. Each had multiple victims.


Gerald Faue was born on January 26, 1923 in Hamel, Minnesota.

Gerald Faue became an oblate of Saint John’s Abbey in 1940.

Brother Mathias Faue became a monk at Saint John’s Abbey on June 14, 1945.

Brother Mathias Faue was a 1949 graduate of Saint John’s University.

Brother Mathias Faue appears in the 1950 Ordo as a monk of Saint John’s Abbey. He likely appeared from 1946-1949 as well. The Ordo is a yearly publication which lists almost every American-Cassinese monk in the United States.

Brother Mathias Faue appears in the 1951 Ordo as a monk of St. Gregory’s Abbey in Shawnee, Oklahoma.

Brother Mathias Faue was ordained as Father Mathias Faue on April 7, 1951.

Faue was arrested in an x-rated movie theater on October 3, 1984.

Faue continued priestly duties until 1988.

Mathias Faue died on January 30, 1988. Faue appears in the 1988 but not the 1989 Ordo.


1954-59 Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church Los Angeles
1966-70 St. Benedict Catholic Church Montebello
1984-88 St. Benedict Catholic Church Montebello

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