Released Files: Rev. Gillespie’s 1996 Removal from St. Joseph, Minnesota


Earlier today, files were released regarding Father Tom Gillespie’s 1996 removal from St. Joseph, Minnesota.

The original post, Abbot Kelly Covered Up Misconduct by Fr. Gillespie, written on June 5, 2011, is here.

According to a letter in Gillespie’s file:

“On February 23, 1996, [Timothy Kelly] received a Letter from Jeffrey R. Anderson of  Reinhardt & Anderson law firm dated February 21, 1996, advising that  [Redacted] was reporting sexual molestation by Father Thomas Gillespie…”

Also included, this February 24, 1996 memo from Abbot Timothy Kelly to the monks:

“Father Thomas Gillespie is returning to the abbey today for an indefinite leave from the parish to take care of some health problems. Please keep him in your prayers.”

View the entire March 2, 1996 memo from Abbot Timothy Kelly… Here


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Topics: 2015 File Release, Thomas Gillespie, Timothy Kelly

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