Parish Faith Formation Assessment and Planning Tool
By Jeffrey Kaster, Anne Marie Biermaier (1999)
- Ann Marie Biermaier, OSB, St. Joseph, Minnesota, teaches in the Education Department at the College of St. Benedict and Saint John’s University, St. Joseph, Minnesota. Doctor of Administration degree in Educational Administration from the University of North Dakota. Previous experiences include teaching and serving as a principal in several parochial elementary schools in central Minnesota and chairing the Education Department at the College of Saint Benedict.
- Ann Marie Biermaier, OSB: Professor Emerita of Education, 1975- ; Rector and Dean, Benedictine University College, 1998-2001; B.A., College of Saint Benedict, 1969; M.S., Saint Cloud State University, 1976; Ed.D., University of North Dakota, 1989.
- 2009 Retirement: S. Ann Marie Biermaier, OSB, professor of education; Rabbi Barry Cytron, director of Jay Phillips Center for Interfaith Learning; Ellen Ellickson, adjunct instructor, nursing; Joe Friedrich, professor of economics; Lynn Moore, professor of education.
- S. Ann Marie Biermaier, OSB, CSB/ SJU professor and chair of education, Lynn Moore, CSB/SJU professor of education, and Michael Borka, CSB/ SJU assistant professor of education, co-chaired a literacy conference entitled “Writing Central: A Day for Literacy.” Hosted by the CSB/SJU department of education on the CSB campus, the conference attracted more than 150 educators. Presenters included keynote speaker Ralph Fletcher, CSB alumna Mary Fitzgerald and Larry Schug, CSB recycling coordinator.
- Education (2007-2009 CSB/SJU Academic Catalog)
Department Chair: Ann Marie Biermaier OSB
Faculty: Tom Andert OSB, Michael Berndt, Ann Marie Biermaier OSB, Michael Borka, Sandra Bot-Miller, Delbert Brobst, Jeanne Cofell, Melisa Dick, James Forsting, Donald Hoodecheck, Jacob Knaus, Michael Leach, David Leitzman, Christine Manderfeld OSB, Lynn Moore, Mark Mortrude, Doug Mullin OSB, Edmund Sass, Arthur Spring, Lois Wedl OSB
- Leadership within the unit, formally known as the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University (CSB/SJU) Education Department, is invested in a full-time Department Chairperson (S. Ann Marie Biermaier, OSB), a full-time Director of Teacher Education (David Leitzman), and an Administrative Assistant (Maryjean Opitz). The unit is supported by an administrative staff member serving as both Director of Partnerships and the Departmental Advisor (Jeanne Cofell). Leitzman, Biermaier, and Opitz meet as needed to assess, plan for, and coordinate issues and matters relating to teacher education. The unit’s chairperson seeks input for agenda from these individuals as well as from key departmental committee chairs (curriculum, diversity, technology). All Education Department faculty members annually review the performance of the Departmental Chair and the Director of Teacher Education.The unit’s chairperson also coordinates over-all operations within the department. The chairperson is the unit’s liaison with the Division Head for the Social Sciences, Dr. Joseph Friedrich, and the joint college Academic Dean and Associate Provost, Dr. Rita Knuesel. The chairperson initiates planning to support the unit’s mission, including budget, curriculum, and personnel. The unit’s Director of Teacher Education coordinates activities related to accreditation, licensure, and testing in consultation with the chairperson.
- Ann Marie Biermaier OSB participated in a faculty study group that traveled to Delhi, Calcutta, and Bombay during the 2005 spring semester recess. She visited several schools, a residential treatment program for prostitutes, and a program for the blind or partially blind. Hearing the stories of many of India’s people, she found that cultural sharing provides a context for enhanced learning. Her conversations with Indian school administrators included ways in which the unit’s candidates might work with P-12 students in Calcutta. A student group completing a service learning experience at Calcutta’s Loreta Day School in the summer of 2005 tested the feasibility of adding that city to our colleges’ extensive Study Abroad program.
- Ann Marie Biermaier OSB and Dee Lamb’s presentation, “Addressing Diversity Practically and Ethically in ‘White-Ville’,” at the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) in Chicago on February 8, 2004.
- Ann Marie Biermaier OSB served on the New Core Task Force committee and on an ad hoc Grievance Committee (chair).
- Ann Marie Biermaier OSB serves on the Koch Chair Faculty Council.
- Ann Marie Biermaier OSB, Dr. Lynn Moore, Doug Mullin OSB, and Lois Wedl OSB have all interviewed students for the Regents and Trustee Scholarships.
- Sister Ann Marie Biermaier, OSB, hosted and facilitated the Minnesota Department of Education Roundtable Discussion on Teaching at Risk: A Call to Action presented by Dr. Mary Ann Nelson, Assistant Commissioner for the Office of Academic Excellence in the Minnesota Department of Education at the College of Saint Benedict on January 6, 2005. Sister Ann Marie also co-chaired the American Benedictine Academy (ABA) Convention at Saint Benedict’s Monastery on August 12-15, 2004.
- Ann Marie Biermaier serves on the Re-licensure committee for the Minnesota Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. (June 1, 1997)
- CSB and SJU also presented Advising Awards for outstanding work in advising students during the 1996-97 academic year to Sister Ann Marie Biermaier, OSB, associate professor of education; Richard Bohr, associate professor of history and director of the Asian studies program; Tom Darnall, associate professor of theater; the Rev. Luke Mancuso, OSB, assistant professor of English; Bela Petheo, professor emeritus of art; Chuck Rodell, professor of biology; the Rev. Dan Ward, OSB, professor of political science and Lynn Ziegler, associate professor of computer science.
- For more information about the Visiting Scholars Program, contact S. Ann Marie Biermaier, OSB Director of Studium (320) 363-7172 fax: (320) 363-7173 November 12, 2009
- More than one year ago, Prioress Nancy Bauer listened to the student voices and asked a team of sisters and students to begin shaping the volunteer service program that we are offering to our graduates. Sisters Ann Marie Biermaier and Mary Jane Berger, along with senior Maria Conroy and a few other students met every other week to determine the mission, goals and responsibilities that will be a part of the service corps.
- Raiche, C.S.J., Annabelle, and Ann Marie Biermaier, O.S.B. They Came to Teach: The Story of Sisters Who Taught in Parochial Schools and Their Contribution to Elementary Education in Minnesota (St. Cloud, Minnesota: North Star Press, 1994) 271pp.
Rooted in Christ (The Story of St. Joseph Church)
- Joined St. Benedict’s Monastery in 1971
- Tuition came under scrutiny again in 1974 and the years following as teacher s’ salaries were raised and textbooks and teaching materials became more expensive. A “voluntary” support program was discussed for meeting educational needs. At this time, Sister Ann Marie Biermaier, OSB, involved with student teachers from the College for the Lab School, shared administration with Dr. Virginia Chirhart, principal.
- [Church Committee Members included] Sister Anne Marie Biermaier, OSB, and Sister Kathleen Rademacher, OSB, with the Board of Education.
- Anne Marie Biermaier, OSB, helped obtain the Bishop’s Medal of Merit for [Al Schloemer’s] 20 years of service.
- Tom Westerhouse was hired as principal for 1980-81. Enrollment stood at 229, kindergarten through grade six, and included 29 new families. The parish put into effect its negotiated tuition policy., a project credited to the efforts of former principal, Ann Marie Biermaier, OSB, and the Board of Education.
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