Regarding Schulte, Puerto Rico and Rey Rivera


Plaintiff alleges that he “did not have knowledge of the injuries relating to the sexual abuse . . . until June 2010,” after an investigator interviewed him in May 2010 regarding another potential victim of Father Francisco. (Id. at 4.) This investigation led to the execution of Plaintiff’s affidavit of May 7, 2010, detailing the sexual abuse he suffered at the hands of Father Francisco; Plaintiff filed this affidavit as documentation in support of the habeas corpus petition of Reinaldo J. Rivera, another alleged victim of Father Francisco’s predatory sexual abuse at the boarding school. (Docket No. 41-1.)

In this affidavit, Plaintiff describes how Father Francisco molested him and another pupil in his office and how Plaintiff’s expulsion from the boarding school led to banishment from his childhood home and a life of poverty, homelessness, and crime. (Id. at 3-5.) Plaintiff explained that he eventually sought professional help for his addiction — “rehab . . . . helped for a while, but I was so angry about what happened to me as a child that I was constantly getting in fights and using drugs to ease my pain . . . . Father Francisco left me with many emotional and mental scars . . . .” (Id. at 6-7.) Plaintiff stated in the affidavit that he had since made an effort to take control of his life, “reading every book I could about addiction and sexual abuse” and was celebrating twelve years of sobriety. (Id. at 6.) He also stated that he found an alumni website and “hooked up with some old classmates from San Antonio Abad. The online conversations immediately discussed” the sexual abuse at the school. (Id. at 4.) Plaintiff additionally averred that if he had been asked to testify at Rivera’s trial in 2004, he would have done so. (Id. at 7.) According to his complaint, executing the affidavit caused Plaintiff “to think about the sexual abuse” and how it injured him, and to realize that Father Francisco had abused other boys. (Docket No. 1 at 4.) Plaintiff alleges he “has suffered and will continue to suffer” pain, emotional distress, and psychological injuries. (Id.) Plaintiff filed the present suit on May 2, 2011.

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Topics: Francisco Schulte, Reinaldo Rivera

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