Multiple, Credible Allegations against Abbey Monk


In a June of 2011, Father Jonathan Licari wrote to a victim of sexual abuse:

“There have been other credible allegations against Fr. Dominic and his name will be added to the list of other monks with credible allegations against them. We are in the process of up-dating our web-site and it may take until the end of the summer before his name appears but it will be added.”

View Licari’s Entire Letter… Here.

Multiple… Credible Allegations.

Certainly, the Abbey’s response would be to educate the community and reach out to other victims who had been silent for so long.

Not so. Licari and the Abbey have kept Father Dominic Keller’s name a secret, just as they did when they listed eighteen credibly accused monks in 2011 [ View ].

In 2012, the webmaster of this web site was contacted by another of Keller’s victims:

“This guy [Father Dominic Keller] was my speech teacher in [the early 60’s] and told me I needed special “breathing lessons”. We met at his office and he had a table there where he had me lie down, pants unbuckled with a mirror in front of me so I could see my chest and stomach. He stood behind the mirror and gave me words to say and I was to watch my stomach/diaphragm and he’d correct my breathing.”  More

When will the Abbot John Klassen finally make Father Dominic Keller’s misconduct public?

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Topics: Dominic Keller, John Klassen, Jonathan Licari

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