Former Student Remembers Father Dan Ward


“[In 1975,] Father [JP] Earls had me meet with Father Dan Ward. Father Ward and I discussed my financial situation, the misconduct by Father [Finian] McDonald, and the attention being paid by other priests [including Father Bruce Wollmering].”

“I recall only that Father Ward said that there were things that ‘were not discussed’ at the school and that if I kept talking about it, he said, I would have to leave the school.”

“I told [Coach Gagliardi] that the issues I had at the beginning of the school year had only gotten worse, that several priests had been showing up at my room to say hello, and two priests, Fathers McDonald and [Father Bruce Wollmering], were trying to convince me that praying naked in the dark was normal and holy. I also told coach Gagliardi that, “I don’t like the way they are touching me.” I told him that no person who believed in God would do such things. I then asked [Coach Gagliardi] for advice.”

Three excerpts from a statement signed and notarized on March 27, 2012.

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Topics: Bruce Wollmering, Dan Ward, Finian McDonald, J.P. Earls, John Gagliardi

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