Father Tupa Fails to Address Allegations


20130113_Tupa_MassThank you to the parishioner who provided the video of Father Jerome Tupa’s message to those attending the 10:00am mass at the Church of Saint Joseph on Sunday, January 13, 2013.

Father Tupa, like his superior Abbot John Klassen and Bishop John Kinney, failed to address recent credible allegations against two priests (Father Dan Ward and Father Othmar Hohmann) who worked at the Church of Saint Joseph.

Father Tupa’s January 13, 2013 Message:

I want to begin by addressing a letter that many of you received this, uh, past week from a Mr. Marker. I want you to know that there are things in there that are, are, uh, known and did take place, however, the majority of the letter is filled with innuendo and simply libelous puff. I am going to address this in the, more completely in the next bulletin. Now then, let’s get on to the real business at hand. The real business, of course is baptism!

View “St. Joseph Letter”… Here

Letter to Diocese Regarding Father Tupa… Here

Video of Father Tupa’s Message… Here

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Topics: Jerome Tupa

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