Email re Withholding Alumni Donations


Good afternoon, I first came across your site a few years ago and found it extremely disturbing. I had Brother Isaac Connelly as my FR freshman year. Though I never experienced anything with him, I can’t say that I was surprised to see him on this list.

Anyway, in light of the everything and with everything at Penn State, I wanted you to know that I have now discontinued giving anything to Saint John’s. Michael Cummings sent me a survey asking why had I not donated, and I sent them back the link to your website and laid out the same reasons. I had a great experience at St John’s, but this is a terrible stain on the school that should not be swept under the rug.

Thank you for your hard work for the victims and for trying to bring some justice to them and their families.


[Name provided but withheld by webmaster] Saint John’s University Class of ’03
August 23, 2012

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Topics: Isaac Connolly, Opinion, Web Site Feedback, Withholding Donations

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