Covering Abuse Expenses


In a 1998 memo regarding abuse by Michael Bik, Abbot Timothy Kelly made it clear that Saint John’s Abbey, not the individual monk, covers the cost of abuse (including counseling payments for victims). Abbot Timothy Kelly wrote:

“With his monastic vows, of course, Fr. Michael has no independent income and is unable to pay anything. This would leave it up to the abbey to cover costs…”

According to an internal financial report dated December 7, 2002:

“Saint John’s Abbey resolved and settled various sexual abuse claims against it through monetary and non-monetary agreements. The legal, media and settlement payment expense was approximately $1,000,000. This expense is reflected in the alms ad donations line item, and it was funded from the building and replacement reserve, and fund balance reserve. The settlement of these cases has severely reduced Saint John’s Abbey financial flexibility and strength.”

In 2003, Br. Benedict Leuthner made this statement:

“Financial compensations to victims of sexual abuse by monks come rather from the labor of the abbey’s monks.” [ View ]

On April 12, 2011, Abbot John Klassen wrote:

“I also want you to know that funding for the abbey misconduct settlements comes from abbey earnings and does not come from any part of student tuition.” [ View ]

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Topics: Benedict Leuthner, John Klassen, Michael Bik, Settlement Information, Timothy Kelly

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