Abbey History Minimizes Abuse


In a new 4,200 word history on the Saint John’s Abbey web site [ View ] , a total of 40 words are spent on the sexual abuse scandal.

Both Abbot Timothy and his successor in 2000, Abbot John Klassen, had to deal with persistent sexual abuse allegations against members of the community. They gained respect by addressing the issue openly and giving priority to the needs of victims. – Saint John’s Abbey Web Site [ View ]

While abbots Kelly and Klassen may have initially gained respect with public relations maneuvers disguised as victim-centered initiatives, Kelly with ISTI [ View ] and Klassen with his External Review Board, both were revealed as frauds, to the disservice of many, many victims.

The abbey’s history fails to mention that Abbot Baldwin Dworschak (1950-1971), Abbot John Eidenschink (1971-1979) Abbot Jerome Theisen (from 1979 –1992) were also made aware of sexual misconduct by members of the community.

Like Abbot John Eidenschink (1971-1979), Abbot Kelly was credibly accused of sexual misconduct [ View ]  while Abbot John Klassen has relied on deception [ View ] on far too many occasions.

Bottom Line: Over 230 victims and more than 50 alleged perpetrators [ View ] deserve more than 1% of the abbey’s history.

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Topics: Baldwin Dworschak, Jerome Thiesen, John Eidenschink, John Klassen, Timothy Kelly

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