Abbey Releases Files of 18 Offenders (View Here)


On January 19, 2016, Abbot John Klassen and Saint John’s Abbey released and made available to the public the files of eighteen monk offenders.

The files contained identifiable, personal and confidential information for several victims.

As a result, we will not make these files available to the public until they have been reviewed.

In an email to Abbot John Klassen on January 21st, one of the victims wrote:

By this letter I demand that St. John’s Abbey immediately remove all
of the files recently posted to the Minnesota Transparency Web Site
( until such time that each and every
file has been thoroughly reviewed by competent personnel to ensure no
other individual is victimized as I have been by your unlawful
publication of my and family’s identifiable personal and very private

At last check (on 4:56pm Central on January 22, 2016) Abbot Klassen has not complied with the victim’s request.

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Topics: 2015 File Release, 2016 Abbey File Release, Allen Tarlton, Andre Bennett, Brennan Maiers, Bruce Wollmering, Dominic Keller, Dunstan Moorse, Finian McDonald, Fran Hoefgen, Francisco Schulte, Jim Phillips, John Kelly, Michael Bik, Othmar Hohmann, Pirmim Wendt, Richard Eckroth, Robert Blumeyer, Thomas Gillespie

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