Prep School Escapees


Approximately 1178 students attended the Prep School in the 80’s. 438
left before their senior year.

On the Prep School’s staff in the 80’s:

81-82: Griffith, Kelly, Moorse, Schulte, Tarlton, Taylor
82-83: Griffith, Kelly, Moorse, Schulte, Tarlton, Taylor
83-84: Griffith, Hanegraff, Kelly, Moorse, Tarlton
84-85: Griffith, Hanegraff, Moorse, Pavkovich, Tarlton
85-86: Kelly, Moorse, Pavkovich, Tarlton
86-87: Bik, Connolly, Kelly, Pavkovich, Schulte, Tarlton
87-88: Bik, Connolly, Kelly, Pavkovich, Schulte, Tarlton
88-89: Andert, Bik, Connolly, Kelly, Pavkovich, Tarlton
89-90: Andert, Bik, Connolly, Kelly, Pavkovich, Phillips, Tarlton

*** Interesting Stat #1:

There were 60 new freshmen in 1986. 39 left before their senior year.
There were 29 new sophomores in 1986, 14 left before their senior year.
There were 21 new juniors in 1986, 9 left before their senior year.
Look who was on staff starting in 1986 (above).

*** Interesting Stat #2:

Between 1982 to 1987, over HALF of the students who entered St. John’s
Prep School left before their senior year.

303 entered as freshmen
144 entered as sophomores
116 entered as juniors
Of these 563 new students, 279 left before their senior year (50.1%).

*** Interesting Stat #3:

303 freshmen entered between 1982 to 1987. 150 left before their senior year.

*** Another Example:

There were 29 new sophomores in 1985. 15 left after one year.

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Topics: Allen Tarlton, Dunstan Moorse, Francisco Schulte, Isaac Connolly, Jim Phillips, John Kelly, Margaret Hanegraaf, Mel Taylor, Michael Bik, Steve Pavkovich, Tom Andert

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