Vincent Court Apartments


“On the road to St. John’s, just on the other side of the Pine Curtain, a new red structure rises into view: St. Vincent’s Court, a new option of appartment-style, on-campus living for SJU uperclassmen. In addition to renovations on the fourth floor of Benet Hall, St.Vincent’s is among the onset of the visible additions to housing incentives designed to keep upperclassmen on campus.

‘We are trying to give upperclassmen homestyle environment living with their friends,’ said Isaac Connolly, OSB, director of residential life. The duplexes that compose St, Vincent’s comprise two units of six residents a piece, complete with two and one-half baths and a laundry in each.

Currently four duplexes have been approved, with construction on the second and third beginning next summer. There is the possibility of constructing as many as eight duplexes as the need arises.

‘It’s awesome — the best housing on campus and the best solution to bring students back to campus,’ said Senior Andy Schroepfer, Vincent Court resident.”

The Record, 12 September 1996, p. 1:

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