St. John’s Abbey Releases New, Incomplete, List


Saint John’s Abbey released another list of offenders on their web site today. The abbey released a list in 2011, but took it down in the summer of 2012.

According to the abbey, “Saint John’s Abbey voluntarily is releasing the names of current and former monks who likely have offended against minors. Most of the names previously have been made public.”

This new list, as expected, is incomplete.

December 2013 List 

Names released by the abbey [ Link ] on December 9, 2013:

Michael Bik
Andre Bennett (deceased)
Robert Blumeyer (deceased)
Cosmas Dahlheimer (deceased)
Richard Eckroth
Thomas Gillespie
Francis Hoefgen (no longer a monk at the abbey)
Othmar Hohmann (deceased)
Dominic Keller (deceased)
John Kelly (no longer a monk at the abbey)
Brennan Maiers
Finian McDonald
Dunstan Moorse
James (Jim) Phillips
Francisco Schulte
Allen Tarlton
Pirmin Wendt (deceased)
Bruce Wollmering (deceased)


The December 2013 list includes four names not on the 2011 list of offenders [ View ] and never before disclosed by the abbey (Father Robert Blumeyer, Father Dominic Keller, Father Pirim Wendt, and Father Othmar Hohmann).

Father Robert Blumeyer

The abuse began in 1969 when the victim was 13 and Father Blumeyer was assistant pastor at St. Bartholomew parish in Wayzata and continued for approximately ten years while Father Blumeyer served in pastoral roles at Saint Boniface parish in Hastings and Saint Benedict parish in Avon, MN. – Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis and St. John’s Abbey April 27, 2006

Father Dominic Keller

According to a 2011 letter from Father Jonathan Licari [ View ], then sub-prior at Saint John’s Abbey, Father Dominic Keller has multiple victims. Father Licari, the current headmaster at Saint John’s Prep School, promised a victim that Keller’s name would be released by the end of summer-2011. It never was.

Father Pirim Wendt

Wendt’s name was mentioned during a 2011 press conference but was not included in the 2011 abbey list. [ View ]

Father Othmar Hohmann

Hohmann has at least three victims. Abbot Klassen has been aware of misconduct by Hohmann since 2010. [ View ] Former Saint Cloud Bishop John Kinney, since November of 2012 [ View ].

Missing from the List

Based on research and documentation, the list of Saint John’s monks who likely have offended against minors will likely grow to include:

Abbot Timothy Kelly
Father Mel Taylor
Father Tom Andert
Father Jonathan Licari
Father Agustine Cerezo Murillo (per Archdiocese of New York)
Father Angelo Zankl (Victim “LK”, Early 1940’s)
Father Aloysius Michels (Victim OH, 1973)
Father Phil Harrer
Father Howard Oaks Moussier (Confidential)
Brother Isaac Connolly (Confidential)
Father Tim Backous (Confidential)
Father Don Tauscher (Confidential)
Father Blaine Wasnie (Confidential)

Posted December 9,  2013
Updated December 12, 2013

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