Sexual Misconduct Policy Includes Vulnerable Adults


“In September 1991, Bishop Jerome Hanus of St. Cloud, Minnesota, established a sexual misconduct policy for all personnel of the diocese.” Unlike the policies of Salt Lake City and Davenport, it was not focused solely on child victims, but dealt with “vulnerable persons,” which could include vulnerable adults.”

“Also unlike its predecessors, it did not establish any kind of a review board. lt mandated that all diocesan personnel report to the diocese any “incident of sexual misconduct by any personnel of the diocese.” These allegations would be investigated “by the bishop or his designate.” Accused priests are to be informed of their civil and canonical rights, and if the claim is “substantiated or appears to be substantiable (sic),” they are to be removed from their assignment and placed on administrative leave. When guilt is established, the priest will be suspended and “further penal sanctions, including, but not limited to, dismissal from the clerical state, may be imposed pending the outcome of any civil/criminal actions, if any.”

Before Dallas: the U.S. Bishops’ response to clergy sexual abuse of children
By Nicholas P. Cafardi
Available at [ Go ]

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