Prep School Headmaster’s Exit from External Review Board

[Webmaster’s Note: According to an October 22, 2013 email from Abbot John Klassen, “Fr. Jonathan voluntarily submitted to an evaluation by a qualified, highly-regarded therapist. This evaluation was thorough and covered all relevant issues.” The “evaluation” came after Fr. Jonathan Licari’s removal from the External Review Board in September of 2003, following an allegation of misconduct involving a minor.] [Webmaster’s Note: Father Jonathan Licari, OSB is currently headmaster at Saint John’s Preparatory School, a school for grades 6-12 in Collegeville, Minnesota (USA).]

Regarding Father Licari and the Review Board

In September of 2003, an “issue” was reported, involving Father Jonathan Licari and a minor. The issue prompted Father Licari’s exit from his position on the Abbey’s External Review Board (ERB), to which he had been appointed to a minimum two-year term by Abbot John Klassen in June of 2003.

Below are the excerpts from the ERB minutes related to Father Licari’s exit:

*** START Excerpts

*** Friday, September 19, 2003 (Fourth Meeting)

[Redacted] reported that he had met with the Abbot prior to this meeting and was told that there was an outside issue regarding a Board member and that the Abbot would be here shortly to discuss it with the Board. The Abbot met with the Board to present his understanding of the issue and to ask the Board how they wished to handle it. Since the Board Member in relation to his status on the Board was not present at the meeting, the Board requested the Abbot invite the Member to be present today at 11:00am to discuss the issue.

*** Friday, September 19, 2003

There was open discussion with the Board Member regarding the issue at hand, and it was mutually agreed by the Board that Father Jonathan Licari will no longer be a member of the Board. The Abbot will be asked to name a replacement.

*** Friday, October 17, 2003

Discussion centered around how to tell the council about the issue with the former Abbey Board Representative. The Board felt it was important that the Abbot tell the Senior Council and other community members about the issue immediately. Language and a letter would be drafted by the Abbot for review by the Board. The Abbot reported that he would need to make a recommendation for replacement on the Board to the Senior Council and then to the Board. He is currently working on this issue.

*** Friday, November 21, 2003

Abbot John joined the Board. Abbot John presented his nomination for the new board member. Board members reviewed the information and discussed the nomination. Barbara Illsley moved that the Board accept the nomination. Charles Flinn seconded the motion. The Board passed the motion to accept the nomination of Father Dale Francis Launderville, OSB.

The Board discussed transition issues as the new Board member is announced. Abbot John reported that he told the Senior Council today about the change in Board membership and will tell the Chapter at the next Chapter meeting.

***  Friday, May 20, 2005

Jonathan Licari: The Abbot reported that after he left the Board, Jonathan had an evaluation and went to therapy.

*** END Excerpts

Posted October 20, 2013
Revised October 21, 2013
Revised December 9, 2013
Revised December 17, 2013

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Topics: John Klassen, Jonathan Licari, Review Board

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