Moral Theology Textbooks (Backous)

[Webmaster’s Note: Rev. Timothy Backous is a credibly accused monk/priest from Saint John’s Abbey in Collegeville, MN.]


Moral theology is a constantly changing landscape of serious reflection on how to live rightly, whether as an individual or as a society. New fields unheard of twenty years ago develop, and new voices add theirs to forebears in the tradition. This book is a thorough revision of the editors original, taking into account such phenomena as the emerging field of virtue ethics, the impact of science and technology on sexual and bioethics, and the increasing importance of such issues as environmental concern to social justice. College professors will find this the go-to anthology for a wide selection of primary source readings for their introductory ethics and moral theology courses, and campus ministers will find it a treasury of stimulating, thought-provoking material for student reflection on living the moral life. (

1997 Version:

Backous_Moral_1997In a world that promotes moral relativity, the Church’s voice remains clear and prophetic.Common Good, Uncommon Questions explores a variety of moral issues. Its collection of Scripture passages, current Church teaching, and contemporary reflections presents a thought-provoking path that leads the reader to consider everything from abortion to the Omega Point. (

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Topics: The Liturgical Press, Tim Backous

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