Misconduct Letter Not Received


I have just found your website and stumbled across the recent news of more abuse at St. John’s. I graduated in 19XX, my brother in 19XX. I did not receive any letter from the abbot or anyone else about these latest allegations of abuse. I found the letter online and read that all alumni were sent a copy. That’s nonsense. I never received any word and neither did my brother. I did however get a fundraiser notice from one Raj Chaphalkar (’08), Assistant Director of Annual Giving, dated 10/21/1011. I also receive emails from Alumni Affairs about gatherings. One wonders just how hard they are trying to reach the alumni with this sordid news when they can not even combine their email lists.

I’m very disgusted by the whole thing, especially given that we just went through this recently and we were assured that the place was fixed and in good hands. It is even more disturbing to read of monks who are indignant at people writing articles that try to bring the info out in the open. If I were a monk at St. John’s, I would not be bragging about how long I have been on campus, apparently blind to the … abuse going on under your nose. Try eating a piece of humble pie before getting people fired from their jobs at the Record.

[Name Provided But Withheld]

This letter refers to Abbot John’s Klassen’s letter… Here.
This letter refers to Jerome Tupa’s letter… Here.
This letter refers to Raj Chaphalkar… More Here.

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Topics: Jerome Tupa, Raj Chaphalkar

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