Fr. Timothy Backous May Leave Prep School, Scandal


“As a member of the monastic community, Fr. Tim Backous (Headmaster of St. John’s Preparatory School in Collegeville, Minnesota) has been aware of credible allegations of sexual misconduct against Fr. Francisco Schulte for almost two decades. During that time, not a single letter has been sent, nor has there been any other coordinated effort, to contact all of Schulte’s potential victims. Like the rest of his monastic brothers, Fr. Backous remained quiet. Those who participated in the coverup, including Fr. Backous, are responsible for the pain suffered by the victims of abuse.”May 21, 2010

A St. John’s Prep School parent sent the following earlier today:


A Message From Fr. Timo Backous, Headmaster

Dear Parents,

A few weeks ago, I was approached by a search committee from Mount Marty College in South Dakota to consider seeking their presidency. With Abbot John’s permission, I threw my hat in the ring. Today, they will announce that I am a finalist for this job and if they offer, I intend to say yes. My reasons for this are varied: first, it is a great opportunity to lead a surprisingly robust and growing college on the plains of South Dakota where I was raised. Second, it is a Benedictine institution which looks to grow its residential and athletic programs, two areas in which I’ve worked extensively over the past 20 years. Third, it is a chance to serve another Benedictine community that is looking to enhance and strengthen its mission which is rooted in Benedictine virtues.

The future of Prep is bright and promising and your commitment is an important part of that reality. I am truly grateful that you’ve entrusted to us the education of your child and can assure you that our school, no matter who leads it into the future, will be a shining light in the world of Benedictine education.

Fr. Timo, OSB

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Topics: Francisco Schulte, Tim Backous

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