Comments Regarding St. Joseph


Below are some of the comments received regarding the St. Joseph Update.

I am writing on behalf of my 97-year-old mother, [Name Withheld]. Receiving your letter of January 7 was distressing to her and I ask that you remove her name from your listing of parishioners of St. Joseph’s Parish, St. Joseph, Minnesota.

Thank you for compiling and sharing this. It expresses many of the same concerns that I, and others have, especially now that the priest serving the parish is Fr. Jerome Tupa. I’m aware of families that have left the parish because of their concerns, but many remain ignorant.

Thank you for sending this to me. Just stunning to read.

Dress warmly for Sunday in St. Joe… The forecasted high is 9 degrees! Thank you for your bravery!  Lets hope anyone who hasn’t yet come forward and wants to will do so soon.  It’s time to bring closure to this topic for all parties concerned, including you!

This needs to happen, and I can’t offer you anything but encouragement…. Don’t stop your work ever…the Abbey needs to be held to account. Were I able, I would summon the Vatican for an investigation. They should be shuttered.

There’s so much to do, but I’ve never been more clear about what I must do in my whole life.

Pat this is a bold service. Keep up the good work.

That is an excellent letter. I think it may encourage what are likely to be a much larger number of survivors and their families to break their silence . On the other hand people are adept at protecting themselves from the knowledge of these horrors by denial of what has happened and what is continuing to happen and by displacing their anger on the messenger.

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Topics: St. Joseph Parish

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