Category Archives: Joshua Guimond

What Happened to Joshua Guimond? (The LeSabre)

“I believe that if somebody did something to Joshua that had any connection to the campus whatsoever, we’re never gonna find him, ever. Not even a body. Ever. Because they’re too secretive.” Lisa Cheney (Joshua’s mother) from Unsolved Mysteries said.

15 Years Later, Josh Guimond’s Disappearance Still Unsolved

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) — A student at a Minnesota Catholic college vanished in the middle of the night. This week marks 15 years since Josh Guimond went missing from St. John’s University.

Rev. Dan Ward Confronted After Presentation (Transcribed)

On Sunday, January 24, 2016, Father Dan Ward gave a presentation (via Skype) to an audience of 50-75 people on the campus of Saint John’s University in Collegeville, Minnesota. One of Father Ward’s alleged victims attended. Father Ward admitted to the audience that he met … Continue reading

Delayed Public Disclosure

The following is an excerpt from an updated page on this web site. The page, originally posted on March 26, 2011, was recently modified to include excerpts (below) from a memo written by Abbot John Klassen and minutes from the External Review … Continue reading

Critics claim St. John’s Abbey still holds secrets (Video)

“He was one of the first people to visit the Wetterling’s home to console the family,” Marker said. “I’m not saying he did it, but I believe a full examination of facts will lead us to Josh [Guimond] and Jacob [Wetterling].”

St. John’s student missing since Nov. 2002

COLLEGEVILLE, Minn. (KMSP) – Family and friends are still searching for Josh Guimond, the St. John’s University student who was reported missing Nov. 10, 2002.

New photo of Josh Guimond, still missing after 10 years

COLLEGEVILLE, Minn. (KMSP/Fox) – Family and friends have not lost hope in the search for Josh Guimond, the St. John’s University student who was reported missing Nov. 10, 2002.

Police Release Age-Enhanced Photo of Missing College Student Josh Guimond

(WJON) It was over ten years ago that St. John’s University college student Joshua Guimond was last seen leaving a party on campus to walk home to his campus apartment in Collegeville.

Tupa’s January 20 Bulletin Message

[Webmaster’s Note: The following message from Father Jerome Tupa is located on page 2 of the January 20, 2013 bulletin. The bulletin will be distributed to the parishioners at the Church of St. Joseph in St. Joseph, Minnesota on January … Continue reading

Regarding Father Tupa’s Bulletin Message

In the January 20, 2013 bulletin for the Church of St. Joseph, Father Jerome Tupa attempts to address, as he promised he would last Sunday in mass, the letter that I sent to many of the parishioners (and others) in … Continue reading

Regarding Father Jerome Tupa

How different might Saint John’s had been if monks like Father Jerome Tupa left the monastery to pursue their own selfish pleasures and allowed individuals such as these two men, who were called to monastic life, remain!

Awareness Event on December 16

You are invited to join a group of concerned individuals planning to meet in Saint Joseph before and after the 8am and 10am masses on Dec 16, 2012 to distribute information and discuss the decision by the Saint Cloud Diocese … Continue reading

SJU Employee Admits to Threat

I briefly spoke with Benson who indicated that he did write the Facebook post and indicated that he wrote this in response to the opinion posted by Marker in the St. Cloud Times. He identified John Gagliardi as his grandfather … Continue reading

Misconduct, Deception and a Missing Student

In March of 2003, a flurry of emails circulated around the St. John’s University campus in Collegeville, Minnesota. A month earlier, a student-athlete brought allegations of misconduct against his professor, Father Bruce Wollmering, to the attention of his coach and … Continue reading

Missing SJU Student is Remembered

The eighth anniversary of the disappearance of SJU student Joshua Guimond came this week.

Updated: Speculating on the Death of Fr. Bruce Wollmering

“One of our monks ah passed away. He fell or we believe he fell but ah there’s some trauma.” – Shawn Vierzba from St. John’s Life Safety reports the death of Father Bruce Wollmering to the Stearns County Sheriff on … Continue reading


If you have a theory… or a tip involving misconduct at St. John’s or related to the disappearances of Jacob Wetterling or Joshua Guimond, please call law enforcement or leave a message here.

Coverup Ends… Br. Jim Phillips is “Monk Under Supervision”

After more than eight years of covering up credible allegations of sexual abuse by one of its members, a source at St. John’s Abbey in Collegeville, MN has admitted that Br. Jim Phillips is a “Monk Under Supervision”. Br. Jim … Continue reading

More from Joshua Guimond’s Hard Drive

On October 3, 2002, Joshua searched the Internet for “st. john’s abbey statute of limitations conspiracy”. 

Joshua Guimond’s Internet Search

On October 3, 2002, Joshua searched the Internet for “st. john’s abbey statute of limitations conspiracy”. Last month, Joshua’s mom told a reporter that Joshua discussed the abuse scandal and that he didn’t think it was a good idea that … Continue reading