All My Children


“As I share these reflections on being ‘Father’ to 280 children of God; as I think of the great happiness experienced by being able to participate in the sorrows and joys of the Prep students, to comfort and bless them, counsel and encourage them, I am forcefully reminded of the real need for many, many others to share Christ’s love and concern…” – Father Francisco Schulte (Oct, 1982)

”All My Children”
By Father Francisco Schulte
Prep World
October, 1982

No… this is not a review of your favorite soap opera. It is, rather, a personal reflection on the joys of priestly “Fatherhood”. Because October 12-16 was the official week for Church Vocations Awareness, it seemed appropriate to write about the real happiness one experiences as a Priest.

From time to time some of my older friends or Prep students will be in a serious frame of mind and ask me if I don’t ever regret not having children. I’m always amused by this question and usually answer that I have over 280 children at last count–more than enough to qualify as a father. While that answer may sound like a wisecrack, I don’t mean to be flippant. Actually, I am trying to communicate a truth that is sacred, serious and even precious by means of a somewhat light-hearted response to an honest question. I am attempting to describe what an extraordinary privilege it is for a priest to be called “Father” and to function as one on a spiritual level.

This post in not complete.
More to Come…

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