Administrative Histories – Saint John’s University


*** Presidents of Saint John’s University

Note: Before 1866, the abbey’s prior acted as ex-officio Presidents of the College


Demetrius de Marogna, OSB; April 5, 1856 – October 7, 1857
Cornelius Wittmann, OSB; October 7, 1857 – September 20, 1858
Benedict Haindl, OSB; September 21, 1858 – October 15, 1862
Othmar Wirtz, OSB; October 16, 1862 – December 8, 1865
Benedict Haindl, OSB; December 8, 1865 – 1867

Presidents of Saint John’s University:

Fr. Wolfgang Northman, OSB 1867-1873
Abbot Alexius Edelbrock, OSB 1873-1889
Abbot Bernard Locnikar, OSB 1890-1894
Abbot Peter Engel, OSB 1894-1921
Abbot Alcuin Deutsch, OSB 1921-1950
Abbot Baldwin Dworschak, OSB 1951-1958
Father Arno Gustin, OSB 1958-1964
Father Colman Barry, OSB 1964-1971
Father Michael Blecker, OSB 1971-1982
Father Hilary Thimmesh, OSB 1982-1991
Brother Dietrich Reinhart, OSB 1991-Oct. 2008
Dan Whalen (Interim President) Oct. 2008-June 2009
Father Robert Koopmann, OSB 2009-2012
Michael Hemesath 2012-

*** Dean of Students/Vice-Presidents of Student Affairs

Finian McDonald, OSB (Dean of Men), 1964-1969
William Van Cleve (Director of Student Affairs) 1967-1969
Aidan McCall, OSB (Dean of Student Affairs), 1969-1974
J.P. Earls, OSB, 1974-1980
Roman Paur, OSB, 1980-1992
Gar Kellom (VP for Student Development), 1992-2008
Doug Mullin, OSB, 2008-

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