Sister Anne Marie Biermaier Made Aware of Allegations


On April 18, 2011, Sister Anne Marie Biermaier, O.S.B. from Saint Benedict’s Monastery in St. Joseph, Minnesota (USA) was contacted via telephone by Patrick Marker regarding allegations of misconduct made against her.  It has been alleged that two incidents of misconduct, involving the same young girl over a period of approximately four years in the 70’s, took place at St. Joseph Lab School in St. Joseph, Minnesota.

View Victim’s Statement Here

During the phone conversation on April 18, 2011, Sister Anne Marie Biermaier was asked if she wanted to respond to the allegations. She quietly said that she wanted to speak with someone first. She also asked if she could wait to respond until after Holy Week.

Following the phone conversation on April 18, 2011, Marker sent the following email to Sister Biermaier:

Sister Ann Marie,

I apologize for the intrusion of my phone call a few minutes ago but hope that you understand that, on behalf of hundred of victims, I seek the truth on matters regarding misconduct at St. John’s and St. Ben’s.

If you did not engage in any misconduct, please let me know and I will do my best to clear your name. If you engaged in any misconduct, please step down, get real help and help me reach out to your and other victims.

I am willing to discuss this issue with you, your superior, and/or anyone involved in your decision-making process.

You said that you would be in touch by next Wednesday. Would it be possible to have a conversation and understand your intentions by this Friday?

Sister Biermaier never responded to the email.

After several follow up emails and phone calls with the victim, Marker received the victim’s detailed statement regarding the abuse [ View ].

On April 25, 2011, St. Benedict’s Monastery issued a statement on their web site. According to the monastery, “The Sister denies having any sexual contact with a minor.” [ View ].


Sister Anne Marie Biermaier is currently the director of the Benedictine Women Service Corps [ Link ] at Saint Benedict’s Monastery.

If you have information about misconduct by Sister Anne Marie Biermaier, please contact law enforcement or use the Feedback link.

Two women recently came forward, claiming that they were molested by Fr. Othmar Hohmann, who also worked at St. Joseph Lab School. [ More ]

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Topics: Ann Marie Biermaier, Othmar Hohmann, St. Ben's, St. Benedict's, St. Joseph Lab School

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