2005-2007 Academic Catalog – St. John’s University


2005-2007 Academic Catalog – St. John’s University
Department Chair: Bruce Wollmering OSB

Faculty: Marty Andrews, Jan Holtz, John Hotz, Aubrey Immelman, Michael Livingston, Anthony Marcattilio, Gregory Murrey, Rodger Narloch, Scott Palmer, Renee Rau OSB, Stephen Stelzner, Linda Tennison, Richard Wielkiewicz, Bruce Wollmering OSB

Psychology is a discipline defined by the scientific study of behavior. The psychology curriculum is designed to acquaint students with the broad scope of the discipline and to deepen their awareness of the complexity of human behavior. The mission of the Saint John’s University and College of Saint Benedict Joint Department of Psychology is to produce graduates who have a high level of critical thinking skills derived from knowledge of basic psychological principles and methods, and a clear understanding of the role of psychology in the liberal arts curriculum. Courses expose students to the general theories, applied principles, and empirical methods central to the discipline of psychology. Thus, each student becomes capable of refining their understanding of behavior as new empirical data become available. This breadth of exposure produces graduates who are well qualified for graduate education in psychology or related fields, who are prepared to work in a variety of applied areas, and who can apply the relevant principles in any work environment. Students in disciplines such as education, management, nursing, nutrition, pre-law, pre-medicine, social work, and theology find many relevant courses within the psychology curriculum. The psychology faculty promotes critical thinking in the evaluation of research literature and popular ideas about psychology. The department also engages in a process of assessment in order to continuously improve its ability to offer a quality learning experience. In addition, students are required to relate academic course material to moral and ethical concerns of the profession and the community at large. For additional information, consult the department’s website: www.csbsju.edu/psychology.

Source: http://www.csbsju.edu/Catalog/2005-2007/pdfs/PSYCcat05-07.pdf

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