About This Site


In June of 2002, webmaster/survivor Patrick Marker created the "Abuse Disclosure Project" web site because there was no information on the Internet about the abusive monks in Collegeville. 

The Monk at St. John's Abbey Celebrate Evening Prayer

In October of 2002, Marker was named to the External Review Board at St. John's Abbey.  He was named to the board, in part, because of his work on the ADP web site.  Other members of the Board felt that the web site was a conflict of interest and Marker was pressured to take in down. In order to keep the peace, and with the early promise of greater disclosure, he took down the site. Greater disclosure never came. In fact, just the opposite occurred.

This new BehindthePineCurtain.com web site was created in an effort to move closer to "full disclosure".  The "Behind the Pine Curtain" name comes from the dense growth of trees which surround the Abbey.

The Pine Curtain Surrounding St. John's Abbey

Message from Patrick Marker:

It is my hope that the information available on this site will help educate - and heal.

I understand that the information on the site will upset some people. It should. The crimes committed by personnel in Collegeville are horrific. Lives and families have been ruined by the actions of dozens of selfish monks and other employees.

If you have any questions, information or have a story or comment to add, please do not hesitate to contact me.  Your input is always welcome.

If you would like to talk to me, you can fill out the online form [ Here ], send me an e-mail directly [ patrickmarker@gmail.com ] or give me a call at 360-421-5849.

I have spoken to many people, kept every confidence, and look forward to hearing from you.
